Aviemore Web Cam
Aviemore // Thursday 6 March 2025
CairnGorm Mountain
S 52 gust 72mph
at 19:00hrs
at 19:00hrs

Visit our other local cams: Loch Morlich

Estimated Sunrise in Strathspey today is at 06.51hrs and Sunset at 17.59hrs. These cameras operate during daylight hours only.

These cameras are offline due to refurbishment work at Inverdruie House. They will be back online mid June.

The Cairngorms from Inverdruie

CairnGorm Webcam
Inverdruie looking to CairnGorm. First Image due at 06.41hrs. Last image due 18.09hrs.

This is situated a low level and looks towards CairnGorm Mountain from VisitCairngorms at Inverdruie. Useful for low level snow falls and checking cloud base over the Northern Cairngorms.

CairnGorm Webcam
The Lairig Ghru. First Image due at 06.41hrs. Last image due 18.09hrs.

Situated at Inverdruie this camera looks into the entrance of the Lairig Ghru Pass that divides CairnGorm from Braeriach. This camera is situated at a low level and the mountains may not be visible in low cloud. Hosted by VisitCairngorms.

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